***Thanks to you amazing racers, we are only $317 away from reaching $10,000 raised. Check your coats and jeans pockets for that forgotten five or twenty dollar bill and send it in!***

Since so many of us are new to the APS Type 1 Foundation, we want to take this opportunity to explain our work and what it means to patients and families.

The APS Type 1 Foundation’s mission statement outlines its three key purposes: to support education, raise awareness, and undertake fundraising for critical research into this rare disorder. The foundation seeks to help educate physicians, patients and caregivers by providing links to the most recent journal articles on best practices and advances in treatments for APS Type 1 as well as archiving past symposium presentations by researchers, scientists, educators and community members. The foundation has also tried to increase awareness of APS Type 1 beyond our own community by connecting APS research to other autoimmune disorders and cancer research. Since its inception, the foundation has been a strong supporter of research into better understanding APS Type 1 which will lead to better treatment options and May one day hopefully, lead to a cure. To date we have contributed $550,000 towards research.

The APS Type 1 Foundation means many things to the community, but most importantly it provides the realization to patients and families that they are no longer alone. The foundation changes the journey that so many of us have been taking alone into one in which we have a large extended family traveling along with us. This is a foundation committed to supporting families through its educational efforts, holding biannual symposiums, actively maintaining social media accounts, and continuously updating its website. For the newly diagnosed, the power of connection through the foundation is a place of support and knowledge from those who have gone before. The APS Type 1 Foundation has been a life changing experience for many of its ever expanding community.

Allyson, Jade and Geoffrey Smith

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