Welcome to our News section! We encourage you to check back here frequently for updates and new information. The News pages will be the most dynamic page on our website as we strive to keep you up to date on recent newsworthy items, community blog posts, interesting events, press releases, news articles and more. Please share your ideas for content from your local community and your personal experiences. We hope this will become a place we can share our experiences and grow as a community.
Our Latest News will be a collection of events, thoughts, experiences and updates. If you’re a blogger, please email us.
We’re small, but mighty! The more we can promote APS Type 1 in the Press, the more we raise awareness of our rare disorder.
In 2020, we committed to circulating a quarterly newsletter to help build our community bonds and keep everyone informed. Each newsletter will spotlight a community member or family. If you would like to be featured or know some who should be featured, please email us.