The IDF Primary Immunodeficiency Conference Is going virtually this year, and the APS Type 1 Community are invited. The conference is free for our patients and families, so please join in!
There are many sessions that will interest our patients and family members of all ages, and there are three that specifically focus on APS Type 1. First, there is a Peer Connection Breakout Meeting for APS Type 1/APECED on Thursday, June 24th at 3:30pm ET. Then, on Friday, June 25th, there is a session on Fungal Infections at 12:00 ET and a diagnosis specific session on APS Type 1 at 2:15 ET. And both of these sessions will be led by Dr. Lionakis of the NIH! See the full program for more information and register for free here.
We had a terrific experience at the IDF Conference in 2019 and are looking forward to building upon the knowledge and relationships created then. Looking forward to seeing you in June!