Dear APS Type 1 Family,

We hope that you and your families are fairing well through this challenging pandemic. Although this is a stressful time for all of us, it also provides us with an opportunity to strengthen our bonds by spending time connecting with family and friends either in our homes, virtually, or by picking up the phone. I know we have certainly enjoyed the opportunity to have Gaby home cooking up a storm, and I’m hoping I don’t put on the COVID 20lbs in the process. We hope that you can find the silver lining in your lives through this uncertain experience.

The APS Type 1 Foundation Board communicated previously that we wouldn’t share information that we know you are already getting in the hours of news daily. Today, we’d like to share guidance from our friends at the National Adrenal Deficiency Foundation (NADF) since it really speaks to one of the key challenges we all grapple with when it comes to illness and Cortisol stress dosing. Hopefully, you will not need this information, but we encourage you to keep it handy in case of an emergency. Always remember when stress dosing to keep an eye on calcium levels because stress dosing does deplete the calcium levels as well, which is a double-edged sword that the APS Type 1 community needs to be mindful of during illness. Be sure to consult with your doctors and health care providers if you become ill and take guidance from them.

Our thoughts and our prayers go out to all of you. Continue to stay connected through Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. It’s times like these that our extended family is so important.

Be safe and stay HEALTHY!

Todd Talarico
President, APS Type 1 Foundation

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