The APS Type 1 Foundation supports education, awareness, and fundraising for critical research.

Join The APS Type 1 (APECED) Registry

NEW!  Please help us grow the registry with our new brochure.  Share it with your care team.

The APS Type 1 (APECED) Registry is a secure database that provides a way to collect information from many different people with APS Type 1 and to update information over time as conditions and experiences change. The surveys are intended to gather information about many different aspects of APS Type 1, including details about diagnosis, prognosis, treatments, which disorders the patient has and when they were acquired, medications, hospitalizations and quality of life. Help us drive research! Register Now ›

How We Help

We connect patients, families and doctors, support the work of scientists, and drive research forward.

Stay Informed

Allyson, Jade and Geoffrey Smith

The APS Type 1 Foundation brings the most up to date research to our community. Join our symposia, and sign-up for our newsletter and registry to keep abreast of the latest developments in research and management of this complex disease.


“The information we received at the 2019 Symposium was invaluable—as are the new friends we made.”
— Jade Smith, pictured here with Allyson & Geoffrey

Latest News


Congratulations are due to two of our graduating seniors: Sarah Brennan and Brooklyn Dwyer. Navigating the teen years and high school is hard enough without the added challenge of a rare disease. These two young women inspire us all to never give up and reach our dreams. We wish you both the very best in…

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DAVE’S RESEARCH CORNER: Ground-Breaking APS Type 1 Research Published in NEJM

Congratulations to our medical advisory committee members, Drs. Michail Lionakis and Maureen Su, on their recent publications in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine, entitled The Role of Interferon-γ in Autoimmune Polyendocrine Syndrome Type 1 and JAK Inhibition Immunotherapy for APS-1, respectively.  In his article, Dr. Lionakis, whose work led to the first-ever clinical trial for APS Type…

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