Offered 8 research grants in partnership with NORD valued at over $550,000.
Created the world’s first web-based registry for patients to input their information about life with APS Type 1. To date, we have 125 patients enrolled in the registry.
Developed a global database of doctors and scientists working to advance research on APS Type 1.
We are most proud of the times when a patient is diagnosed faster or receives a better treatment because of the Foundation’s activities. We are counting on your support to help us make a difference. Click here to donate today.
The Inaugural Global Scientific Summit on APS Type 1 (Oct 7, 2022) Upper Library, Massey College, University of Toronto, Photo by Nick WonsThe Inaugural Global Scientific Summit on APS Type 1 brought together the world’s leading researchers from Europe and North America who are working hard to advance research and find cure for APS Type 1. (Photo by Nick Wons)The APS Type 1 Global Scientific Summit at Massey College, University of Toronto, Oct 7, 2022 (Photo by Nick Wons)Our families at the 2019 Symposium in National Harbor, Maryland.